
Three weeks until the adventure starts!

Oh my god, time really speeds up the closer you get to your leaving date! We now have only three weeks left until takeoff and there’s still sooo much to do! But I also managed to tick off quite a few boxes on my pre-trip to-do list, some more pleasant than others:...

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RTW budget worries: will we have enough?

RTW budget worries: will we have enough?

You guys, I’m not gonna lie, temporary unemployment is awesome. Especially with the surprise summer we are currently experiencing in Britain. I’ve lived and worked for my PhD in London for four years now and as soon as I submitted my thesis last month the sun came...

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Packing confessions of a Glastonbury virgin

Packing confessions of a Glastonbury virgin

When I received the email that said “Congratulations, we are inviting you to volunteer with Greenpeace at Glastonbury this year!” I was absolutely thrilled! Yay, I would be spending almost a whole week as part of the festival crew campaigning to save the Arctic and I...

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My big fat bucket list for travelers OVER 30

My big fat bucket list for travelers OVER 30

I can’t believe it’s less than 5 months until my boyfriend and I pack our fancy new backpacks and leave behind the British winter for a year-long adventure around the world! I’ve been excited about this trip for the last 2 years and since we’ve booked our RTW tickets...

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Who's Square Hippie?

Hi, my name is Jenny. I'm a scientist, turned world traveller, aspiring digital nomad and noodle soup enthusiast. This is my blog where I share my journey to a location independent lifestyle. Join me!

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