My Peru Travel Budget (introducing my Spill-the-Beans Budget Series)
Ok, so before leaving on my initial round the world (RTW) trip I read about a bazillion budget reports by awesome travel bloggers like Globetrotter Girls, A Little Adrift and Adventurous Kate to find out how much money I’d have to save before leaving (and so I could...
We won, we won! The Digital Nomad Internship on Koh Phangan
I’m super proud to announce that Simon and I have been accepted to the Travel Like A Boss Internship on Koh Phangan! We found out about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from Johnny FD’s Travel Like A Boss Podcast literally the day we arrived in Thailand. Now that...
5 reasons why I’m moving to Thailand!
When I tell people I'm moving to Thailand their usual reaction is something like this: “Thailand, you say? How beautiful, I loved it there, where is your favourite place?” Uhm, well…. I’ve never actually been there, but I’m sure I’ll love it once we get there! What...
The 8 most incredible views of my RTW trip
On a long term trip like this it's easy to get spoilt rotten and to get used to all the beautiful sights you are surrounded with every day. That's why it's extra important to remind yourself of all the lovely things you've seen, and what is a better reminder than a...
My top 10 dishes: eating my way around the world
It feels completely unreal to be writing these words, but I’ve been travelling around the world with my sidekick Simon for a whole year now. I’ve been dreaming of going on a round-the-world (RTW) trip for so long that actually doing it almost comes as a shock....
My one year round the world trip in numbers
I feel like a total fraud even writing this because I still can’t believe that it’s actually me I’m talking about. But it’s true, I checked. This weekend marked the one year anniversary of Simon and I leaving London for our eagerly awaited round the world trip. But...
Travel expectations and reality
It would be wrong to say that all the planning in the world can’t prepare you for a trip of this magnitude, because much of the preparations have helped me immensely, like budgeting, packing and safety on the road. But nothing can prepare you for how you will FEEL on...
T’was the night before take-off
It’s 2.53 am and I can’t sleep. Tomorrow is my last day in Munich before I leave on my round-the-world trip. This trip is what has kept me sane over the last three years while I was struggling through my PhD. Reading about other peoples’ dreams and how they managed to...
Why you shouldn’t be scared to visit South Africa – by a small, blonde girl
If you’ve ever been to South Africa or are planning a trip there right now, then you will have noticed that peoples’ reactions to the announcement of your trip will go something like this: “Oh my God, you’re going to Johannesburg/Cape Town/Durban?? A friend of a...
10 fun things to do on the Garden Route – Part 2
Recently, I shared five great things to do while traveling along the Garden Route in South Africa. But as we had so much fun on our road trip there two years ago here are five more fun activities for the adventurous traveler. So without further ado: 1. Storms River...