
5 reasons why I’m moving to Thailand!

5 reasons why I’m moving to Thailand!

When I tell people I'm moving to Thailand their usual reaction is something like this: “Thailand, you say? How beautiful, I loved it there, where is your favourite place?” Uhm, well…. I’ve never actually been there, but I’m sure I’ll love it once we get there! What...

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My one year round the world trip in numbers

My one year round the world trip in numbers

I feel like a total fraud even writing this because I still can’t believe that it’s actually me I’m talking about. But it’s true, I checked. This weekend marked the one year anniversary of Simon and I leaving London for our eagerly awaited round the world trip. But...

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Travel expectations and reality

Travel expectations and reality

It would be wrong to say that all the planning in the world can’t prepare you for a trip of this magnitude, because much of the preparations have helped me immensely, like budgeting, packing and safety on the road. But nothing can prepare you for how you will FEEL on...

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T’was the night before take-off

T’was the night before take-off

It’s 2.53 am and I can’t sleep. Tomorrow is my last day in Munich before I leave on my round-the-world trip. This trip is what has kept me sane over the last three years while I was struggling through my PhD. Reading about other peoples’ dreams and how they managed to...

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Who's Square Hippie?

Hi, my name is Jenny. I'm a scientist, turned world traveller, aspiring digital nomad and noodle soup enthusiast. This is my blog where I share my journey to a location independent lifestyle. Join me!

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