by SquareHippie | Aug 23, 2015 | Budget, Digital Nomads, E-Books, Munich, Oktoberfest, Planning
You guys, I wrote a book! Ok, it’s just an e-book, but still, I’m pretty excited! I had the idea recently while I was going through all my old blog posts to update them and add photos. I came across a three-part series that I wrote a few years ago, called “Oktoberfest...
by SquareHippie | Jul 18, 2013 | England, Packing, Planning
After my disastrous attempts at packing for a festival last month I thought I’d help out other festival and camping novices like myself and prepare a Glastonbury Packing List for festival first-timers. This list is written with Glastonbury in mind as this is one of...
by SquareHippie | Jul 8, 2013 | Packing
When I received the email that said “Congratulations, we are inviting you to volunteer with Greenpeace at Glastonbury this year!” I was absolutely thrilled! Yay, I would be spending almost a whole week as part of the festival crew campaigning to save the Arctic and I...