Do you dream of becoming location independent so you can travel around the world and work from wherever you want?
Or maybe you want to make some extra income by freelancing but have no clue where to start? Well, you’re certainly not alone, and definitely in the right place! On my blog, Square Hippe, I document my struggles as a complete non-techie to create a location independent lifestyle. In July 2015 I had no idea where to start, there was so much conflicting advice out there, so many “simple” guides to becoming a digital nomad. So what did I do? I set myself a challenge. I was going to try out ALL the different jobs that I could do without a tech background and document my progress (and earnings) along the way. I invite you to join my Digital Nomad Job Challenge: 12 jobs, 12 months, 1 big dream!
You can also find me here:
Digital Nomad Job Challenge

How am I planning to become a Digital Nomad?
Being a chemist, I’m not really techie enough to be a digital nomad, at least not on paper. That’s why I set myself a quest to learn as much as possible and to try ALL THE JOBS in my Digital Nomad Job Challenge to also become location independent.
I’m constantly adding new jobs to my list and documenting my process on this blog so please check in regularly 🙂
Digital Nomad Resources:
Here are some blog posts to get you started:
So you want to be a digital nomad?
The phrase digital nomad has been flying around the interwebs for quite a while now, it’s one of those cringe-worthy hipster phrases, that somehow managed to sneak its way into our everyday language. Despite that, I still end up using it all the time and aspire to be...
6 surprising things I learned about myself while travelling the world
Ok, so first things first. I didn’t go off travelling to find myself, or anything like that. No really! But somehow along the way you still find out stuff ABOUT yourself. And that’s pretty cool too. Here’s what I learnt: 1. I don’t need more stuff than fits in my...
My Peru Travel Budget (introducing my Spill-the-Beans Budget Series)
Ok, so before leaving on my initial round the world (RTW) trip I read about a bazillion budget reports by awesome travel bloggers like Globetrotter Girls, A Little Adrift and Adventurous Kate to find out how much money I’d have to save before leaving (and so I could...
We won, we won! The Digital Nomad Internship on Koh Phangan
I’m super proud to announce that Simon and I have been accepted to the Travel Like A Boss Internship on Koh Phangan! We found out about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity from Johnny FD’s Travel Like A Boss Podcast literally the day we arrived in Thailand. Now that...
5 reasons why I’m moving to Thailand!
When I tell people I'm moving to Thailand their usual reaction is something like this: “Thailand, you say? How beautiful, I loved it there, where is your favourite place?” Uhm, well…. I’ve never actually been there, but I’m sure I’ll love it once we get there! What...
My one year round the world trip in numbers
I feel like a total fraud even writing this because I still can’t believe that it’s actually me I’m talking about. But it’s true, I checked. This weekend marked the one year anniversary of Simon and I leaving London for our eagerly awaited round the world trip. But...