Update: I wrote this post so long ago, the term selfie wasn’t even used widely yet 🙂
In recent weeks female (and male) solo travellers from around the world have spoken out strongly about the beauty of solo travel. Personally, I am a believer in travelling solo. It gives you enormous freedom to do exactly what you want, to see what you want to see and to eat what you want to eat. It’s a great confidence booster and an awesome way to meet new people.
But I think it is time to talk about the ugly side of solo travel. There are bad sides? I hear you ask? Oh yes. There is one aspect that every solo traveller (no matter if male or female) has encountered on their journeys, and it looks a little something like this:
Yes, that’s right. The awful one-handed-trying-to-get-my-face-in-the-frame-and-not-look-stupid-while-I’m-trying self-portrait technique!
It’s undeniable that when you travel solo you don’t always have someone to take a nice photo of you in front of the Eiffel Tower/Big Ben/Taj Mahal… you name it. And you don’t feel comfortable handing over your shiny new camera to a complete stranger.
That’s why we all have a collection of photos that look like these. So today I thought I’d share mine with you. Enjoy!
P.s. This is just a little fun. I strongly support the #WeGoSolo movement, you should check it out!
Do you have any self-portraits on your blog? I’d love to see them!
So true! I have a lot of pictures of landscapes and buildings from my trips. I try to ask other people to take pictures of me. I’m not a great photographer, but I’ve learned that most people are terrible photographers. I get a photos head to ankle photos (why cut off the feet?)
Maybe a tripod is the answer?
Haha! Exactly! My friend just posted this photo, might be a good idea!
Brilliant! Now that’s the kind of solo travel advice I need.
I stumbled upon your blog from some other blog out there on the internet. I’m doing a big trip soon as well!! It’s so exciting, isn’t it. When’s your depature and how long will you be travelling for?
Hi! Yes, it is really exciting! I think planning it and looking forward to it is half the fun (almost).
I’m not leaving until October and will probably be gone for 12 months or until the money runs out, whatever comes first.
What about you? When are you leaving and what is your route? Would love to hear about it!
Definitely. Have you been on any long-term trips before?
I leave on the 19th of March and will be back in September for uni! I have booked a flight ticket to Bangkok but that’s pretty much it as far as plans go. I’m going to play it by ear as much as possible.
Not really, although I’ve lived in Johannesburg for 3 months which was kind of like a big trip. and I moved to London 4 years ago, so living the expat life now 🙂
Sounds like you’re going to have a fantastic time! It’s great to go on such an amazing adventure just out of high school, very impressive!
Yes! I miss traveling solo but this was always an issue! I have one photo, which I don’t think is posted on my blog, of me with the Eiffel Tower…unfortunately, the distance between me and the tower and the angle at which I took it makes me look like and Eiffel Tower unicorn. Unfortunate yes, but I think the awkward stories behind the even more awkward photos more than makes up for it 🙂
Haha!! I would love to see that photo! Yes, it’s a universal issue, we can just practice our self portrait skills and hope we improve with time. Or ask a stranger?
I am so glad I found your blog. It’s so nice to learn from you. I hope you will come visit me, you might like the travel part….http://aeroplaneandapparel.blogspot.com
Much Love
Thanks! I’m glad you like it! Will definitely check out your blog, sounds exciting!
I loved this post – I ended up travelling for about three weeks on my own, and the amount of photos I normally take took a severe dip!
Oh yes, I know what you mean! It’s always such a shame when you’re going through your photos afterwards. I wish I had trusted more strangers and asked them to take a shot with me, maybe next time!
Haha this is great. At least your “selfies” are in awesome places doing awesome things, and not in your bedroom at home (where so many people post pictures of themselves)! I am so excited to have pictures like this once I head out on my RTW trip!
Hi Katie! Glad you liked the pics 🙂 I’m sure you will have plenty of “selfies” (love that word btw) once you hit the road. When are you leaving and whats your route? Will follow your blog!
Haha! I leave most likely in October (haven’t set a final date yet) and I’m headed to Central and South America to start. I just launched my blog the other day, so it is a work in progress for a little while, thanks though! I love your stuff-keep it coming!
Oh that’s great! I leave in October too, with my boyfriend. Going to Peru first and then Central America too. Who knows, our paths might cross 🙂
BTW the blog looks really good, I hope mine will be as good when I’m done with it.
We could exchange links on the blogs if you like?
Yeah, that would be awesome! I was trying to figure out how to go about asking people to link up to them. This way works! Peru is awesome-it is where I fell in love with the Latin culture! Great place to start.
Oh you’ve been to Peru, awesome! Can’t wait to read your blog about it.
I know what you mean, it seems weird asking people but I was asked a few times like this so thought I’d give it a go 🙂 Will put your link up as soon as I have time to work on my blog (am finishing my thesis at the moment)!
Did you go on the Inca trail?
Sweet, I’m going to add you now! (I am on Spring break lying on my couch so this week is completely dedicated to blogging) I did not hike the Inca trail, that is something I very much want to do. Machu Pichu was definitely one of the coolest places I have seen.
Haha, this is SO true! I hardly have any photos of myself from my solo trips since I always forget to take selfies (oops). At least when my boyfriend tags along I can talk him into a shameless photo shoot 😉
Haha! That’s what boyfriends are there for, right? Glad you liked the post! Where are you heading to next?
just buy yourself a mini tripod from ebay or amazon. they are so cheap and also easy to carry around and set up anywhere on any surface with their adjustable legs.
Also find other solo travellers with a camera in their hand and do a “take my photo” swap…………