Update: I wrote this post so long ago, the term selfie wasn’t even used widely yet 🙂

In recent weeks female (and male) solo travellers from around the world have spoken out strongly about the beauty of solo travel. Personally, I am a believer in travelling solo. It gives you enormous freedom to do exactly what you want, to see what you want to see and to eat what you want to eat. It’s a great confidence booster and an awesome way to meet new people.

But I think it is time to talk about the ugly side of solo travel. There are bad sides? I hear you ask? Oh yes. There is one aspect that every solo traveller (no matter if male or female) has encountered on their journeys, and it looks a little something like this:

One-handed self-portrait

One-handed self-portrait

Yes, that’s right. The awful one-handed-trying-to-get-my-face-in-the-frame-and-not-look-stupid-while-I’m-trying self-portrait technique!

It’s undeniable that when you travel solo you don’t always have someone to take a nice photo of you in front of the Eiffel Tower/Big Ben/Taj Mahal… you name it. And you don’t feel comfortable handing over your shiny new camera to a complete stranger.

That’s why we all have a collection of photos that look like these. So today I thought I’d share mine with you. Enjoy!

At the beach in Durban

At the beach in Durban

The horse races at Royal Ascot.

The horse races at Royal Ascot.

At the Ein Gedi oasis at the Dead Sea.

At the Ein Gedi oasis at the Dead Sea.

On the plane (ok I was with a friend here, don't usually drink by myself)

On the plane (ok I was with a friend here, don’t usually drink by myself)


At the beach in Tel Aviv

Or you just as a nice older couple if they would kindly take a photo of you :-)

Or you just ask a nice older couple if they would kindly take a photo of you 🙂

P.s. This is just a little fun. I strongly support the #WeGoSolo movement, you should check it out!

Do you have any self-portraits on your blog? I’d love to see them!

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